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Grainy Surface

Botox at VESÉ Medspa


Please review all materials provided to you prior to your treatment. It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before and after treatment that can make all the differences between a fair and great result, by reducing some possible side effects associated with the injections.  We realize that this is not always possible. However, minimizing these risks is always desirable. 


Pre-treatment Requirements


  • Avoid Alcoholic drinks at least 24 hours before treatment (Alcohol may thin the blood increasing risk of bruising)

  • To decrease chance of bruising, avoid treatment the three days prior to and actual days of menstruation.

  • On the day of treatment avoid vigorous exercise prior to treatment.

  • Avoid Anti-inflammatory / Blood thinning medications ideally, for a period of two (2) weeks before treatment.  Medications and supplements such as Aspirin, Vitamin E., Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s Wort, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Vioxx, and other NSAIDS are all blood thinning and can increase the risk of bruising/swelling.

  • Schedule Botox/Dysport appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event which may be occurring i.e., wedding, vacation, etc.  It is not desirable to have a very special event occurring and be bruised from an injection which could have been avoided. 


Post treatment requirements

The guidelines to follow post treatment have been followed for years, and are still employed today to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis.  These measures should minimize the possibility of ptosis almost 98%.


  • No straining, heavy lifting, vigorous exercise for 2-3 hours following treatment.  It is now known that it takes the toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve to start its work, and because we do not want to increase circulation to that area to wash away the Botox from where it was injected.  This waiting period continues to be recommended by most practitioners.

  • Avoid manipulation of area for 3 hours following treatment (For the same reasons listed above).  This includes not doing a facial, peel, or microdermabrasion after treatment with Botox. A facial, peel, or micro-dermabrasion can be done in same appointment only if they are done before the Botox.

  • Facial exercises in the injected areas is recommended for 1- hour following treatment, to stimulate the binding of the toxin only to this localized area.

  • It can take 2 -14 days to take full effect.  It is recommended that patient contact the office 2 weeks after treatment if desired effect was not achieved. 

  • Makeup can be applied before leaving the office.  Retin-A, Glycolic acid, Vitamin C, and Kinerase can be used, but avoiding the treated areas for 24 hours.

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